How long does a professional teeth whitening last?

Teeth whitening is a non-invasive cosmetic or dental treatment. This means that through dental whitening we improve the aesthetics of the patient without negatively affecting the health of the teeth.

Does a professional teeth whitening last

At DHC we state of the art technology and procedures to achieve the best results for each patient. Through our Zoom teeth whitening, it is possible to lighten the color of your teeth, achieving a bright and white smile that favors and rejuvenates your appearance.

What are the benefits of teeth whitening?

Thanks to teeth whitening, we are able to correct tooth color changes that may have been caused over time:

  • Poor oral-dental hygiene
  • Patient genetics
  • An illness
  • Intake of some medications
  • Habits like smoking
  • Excessive intake of food that stains teeth

We are able to lighten and correct these color changes. We strive to provide personalized whitening methods that adapt to each patient. This is essential to providing a correct diagnosis and assessing the state of the patient’s teeth. We focus on the patient’s expectations and set treatment goals. From there, we design the perfect treatment plan to carry out.

Home Whitening:

This is a treatment to be carried out by the patient at home through the application of whitening gels that the patient himself will place in personalized splints for him and these will be placed in the mouth during a specific period of time.

The splints are transparent, and vacuum made so that they adapt perfectly to the anatomy of the teeth and allow speaking without problems.

In clinic Zoom Whitening:

This treatment is carried out in the clinic in a single appointment of 45- 90 minutes. Our dental specialist will work wonders to provide amazing results in a single appointment. It’s common to whiten a patient smile’s an average of 8 shades.

How long does this type of teeth whitening last? Can complications occur?

A good whitening directed by specialists and performed with good products can achieve great results, which will also be stable over time. This does not mean that the color we obtain at the end of the treatment will be unalterable for the rest of our lives. We have to be aware that teeth whitening is a non-invasive treatment that is limited to lightening the color of the tooth without affecting its structure or vitality. Therefore, our teeth will behave like natural teeth and will acquire color depending on our habits: oral-dental hygiene, food intake that stains the teeth, smoking. Maintaining a white smile will depend largely on ourselves and how our teeth age with the passage of time.

The most common complication that can occur in whitening is the appearance of dental hypersensitivity associated with treatment. It is not dangerous, because when the treatment is withdrawn, the sensitivity dissipates in a short time.

To avoid this, the state of the patient’s enamel must be carefully taken into account when making the initial diagnosis. For these patients with dental sensitivity, there is a specific whitening protocol for sensitive teeth, through which the enamel is remineralized throughout the treatment while bleaching is performed. That is, the structure of the enamel is reinforced before and during bleaching. This prevents troublesome complications arising from the whitening procedure.

How to keep white teeth as long as possible after treatment?

After whitening, as we mentioned previously, long-term color maintenance will depend fundamentally on our
habits: oral-dental hygiene, food intake that stains teeth, smoking … But it is true that there is a critical period that is 72 hours after the treatment. After the session, the enamel leaves the teeth very porous and is very susceptible to absorbing staining.

During those 72 hours, it is recommended to do what we call the “White Diet”, that is, to do without dark-colored foods that stain, such as chocolate, coffee, tea, red fruits, of course, no tobacco. The idea is to give patients all the recommendations in writing so that they have no doubts about what to avoid eating.

Once the treatment is finished, we recommend the use of a daily mouthwash that forms a protective film around the
tooth, making it difficult for stains to adhere.

There are different alternatives for teeth whitening and easy color maintenance. The important thing is always a good diagnosis and putting yourself in the hands of trusted professionals.